Research Area:


Introduction Guided by the UN-SDGs and focused on generating innovative geospatial research, the Geospatial Research Intitute Toi Hangarau is committed to developing, implementing, and facilitating the use...

Project summary   Alongside the uncertainty research, the GRI is working with NIWA to help produce consistent, open-source methodology for the national flood risk assessments. The methods...

Project summary   This project aims to create a “digital twin” prototype as a proof-of-concept system to assist with more efficient flood risk management. Flood inundation is...

[custom_font font_family=”Open Sans” font_size=”15″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”300″ text_decoration=”none” padding=”0px” margin=”0px”] National Science Challenge 11 [/custom_font][custom_font font_size=”15″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”300″ text_decoration=”none” padding=”0px” margin=”0px”] Building Better Homes,...