Abstract Crowdsourcing has the potential for use in a wide range of hazard applications by timely collection of large quantities of data. One example is GeoNet’s...
Project summary Alongside the uncertainty research, the GRI is working with NIWA to help produce consistent, open-source methodology for the national flood risk assessments. The methods...
Project summary Flooding is one of New Zealand’s most damaging hazards. This research programme is supporting the changes that are needed to our flood risk management....
[custom_font font_size=”15″ line_height=”26″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”300″ text_decoration=”none”]Rongowai[/custom_font]Project summary The GRI is playing a leading role within the Rongowai (“sensing water”) mission, that aims to build a...
Project summary In the past, there has been a disconnect and little collaboration between the people and organizations doing work on the plant pathogens that cause...
Project summary The Eco-index programme is funded through the New Zealand’s National Science Challenge “New Zealand’s Biological Heritage – Ngā Koiora Tuku Iho”. Through this initiative,...