The GRI Director, Prof Matthew Wilson awarded with one of four IIT-Delhi Fellowships

Te Whare Wānanga of Waitaha | University of Canterbury (UC) academics have been awarded two of four inaugural IIT-Delhi India-New Zealand Centre Fellowships. For more information go to: Congratulations Matt!
Andrew Kindom – PhD student took the 1st place at the HRSC Emerging Researcher Awards 2023

On Thursday 26th October, Te Papa Hauora hosted the Health Research Society of Canterbury’s 2023 Emerging Researcher Awards Evening. Andrew Kindom was awarded with the 1st prize, presenting: A geospatial analysis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) ruptures to guide screening in NZ. Andrew is currently a PhD student at the University of Canterbury – Faculty […]
Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS) – October 26th 2023

In this seminar, Peter Shaw will be giving an overview of areas of interest at Trimble, particularly, their ongoing pursuit of increased accuracy, reliability, and efficiency in positioning techniques (including mitigation against space weather/ionospheric effects) and the application of AI to Geospatial problems.
Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS) – October 4th 2023

Planet (a public benefit corporation) is imaging the land surface of the Earth on a near-daily basis, with multispectral sensors at ~3.7m per pixel we operate the largest fleet of earth observation satellites in history with a constellation of 19 high-resolution SkySats, capable of 0.5m multispectral imaging. e change, terrestrial an aquatic ecosystems, wildlife biology and agriculture.
Video recording available at:
UC Master’s mapping reveals geographical cavities

After several years as an oral health therapist in Ashburton, Joanne Lee, who graduates from UC this week with a Master’s in Health Science, was inspired to complete her postgraduate studies after noticing inequalities in access to dental care. Click here to read more about Joanne’s great geospatial work.
Senior Lecturer and research fellow at the GeoHealth Laboratory Dr Matthew Hobbs gives an Author Q&A Research Insight by the British Dental Journal

The article, Investigating the prevalence of non-fluoride toothpaste use in adults and children using nationally representative data from New Zealand: a cross-sectional study, of which Dr Hobbs is the first author, has already been highlighted in the local media and oral health research sector. The full Q&A of Dr Hobbs by the BDJ can […]
GRI PhD Student David Garcia joins the American Association of Geographers initiative for COVID-19 pandemic global response

Within the AAG COVID-19 initiative, David is working with the Phillipines-based geospatial collective he founded, The Ministry of Mapping, to crowdsource the location, treatment capacity, and equipment needs of all health facilities there, while also working with a clinical psychologist to provide emotional support to the mappers themselves as they examine painfully difficult data. […]
Senior Lecturer and research fellow at the GeoHealth Laboratory Dr Matthew Hobbs makes the news talking about his research in the prevalence of non-fluoride toothpaste use in New Zealand

See Dr Hobbs interview at Breakfast morning news show here: You can also access his related research publication at: