Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS) – 28 May 2021

NZ now has a tool that has been developed to identify high risk locations for safety interventions in order to reduce the horrific financial and emotional cost of road fatalities. The Safer Journeys Risk Assessment Tool or more commonly, ‘MegaMaps’, and has been produced by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency with the assistance of Abley, a national professional services firm. The tool is a significant asset for New Zealand. This presentation will explain the tool, how it came to exist and why it is unique nationally and globally.
UC team scoops third place in the TakiWaehere Geospatial hackathon!

The hackathon, which took place over the weekend of 17-18 April was a great success, with 40 submissions received. Key judging criteria included creativity, the problem/ opportunity addressed, the novelty of the solution, and the potential competitive advantage of the solution. During the award ceremony on 23 April, Joe McKay (MBIE) mentioned that this was […]
Geospatial Research Seminar Series (GRISS) – 30 April 2021

Much has been written about the need to unlock the power of data and digital methods to improve the performance of infrastructure and productivity of the building industry. Recognising the potential benefits of these methods, the New Zealand Government and building industry are co-investing in an eight-year (2018-2026) research programme, under the banner of the Building Innovation Partnership (BIP), to accelerate digitalisation of the infrastructure sector. This industry-led programme has to date focused on two applications of data and digital methods.